“Love God, Love People, Make Jesus known”


About Mosaic Auckland Baptist Church

Founded in 1999 and located right in the heart of the Gold Coast, we are a multi-generational, multi-cultural church community with a heart to connect with each other and bring people closer to Jesus. Our mission statement is to Love God, Love People, and Make Jesus Known.


At Mosaic, we want to love, value, and disciple all people to an empowering relationship with Jesus

We achieve this through our five pillars:

  1. We worship Jesus.

  2. We are actively involved in helping our local community and sharing the gospel.

  3. We regularly praise God through testimonies of God at work in our lives

  4. We intentionally disciple all generations

  5. We want to see significant growth with new followers of Christ

What to expect

Everyone is welcome at Mosaic! If you’ve not been to Mosaic before or never been to church, here’s an idea of what to expect.

Our 9am service is usually 70-80 minutes, with four parts.


We believe the Bible is relevant and life-changing. Therefore our teaching is always biblically based. It is typically between 20-30 minutes, and our style of preaching includes relevant stories, just like Jesus included examples that connected with the people of 2000 years ago.

For the word of God is alive and powerful.’ Hebrews Chapter 4 Verse 12

Mosaic Kids

Our children, from ages two to year six, love our kid’s programs. When you arrive, you can check your children in at the table just inside the door. Our children stay in the main auditorium for our beginning time of music/worship. Then we announce at the appropriate time from the stage when the children’s program is beginning. You can allow your children to go with our accredited leaders, or you are welcome to go with your children to help them settle into the children’s program. Mosaic Kids runs every Sunday except Christmas Day and the first Sunday of January.


Together we sing songs of worship and praise to God. Most people stand, however, feel free to sit if you prefer. The words are on a screen. (approximately 20 minutes)

‘Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs’ - Psalms Chapter 100 Verse 2


We serve tea and coffee after the service. When you visit, we would love to serve you a Barista made coffee on us! Community is important for us, and many of us stick around for another hour to catch up and support one another in our excellent outdoor area with a playground or in our comfortable foyer.

Understanding the unfamiliar

At Mosaic, church is not about a religious ceremony where we tick off a list of things we have to do. We come to church to connect with God and other people – we’re just like a big family hanging out together for a few hours on a Sunday – and we’d love to welcome you into our church family as well. Sometimes we may say and do things in our services that are unfamiliar to us. We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or excluded, so if there is anything you don’t understand or want to ask questions about, you are very welcome to talk with someone on our Welcome Team or one of our pastors.

Questions before you join us?

Car Parking

There is plenty of parking onsite. If you wish to drop someone off right at the door, you are most welcome. If it is raining, we aim to have some umbrellas close by to help keep you dry! And if you are arriving with someone who has decreased mobility, our welcome team are ready to help you find your place here with ease.

What to Wear

We’re a bunch of down-to-earth people, and there’s no dress code. Come casual or come a bit dressier, it’s up to you and what you feel comfortable in!

Welcome Team

As you enter our foyer, our Welcome Team will greet you with friendly smiles. Our welcome team have packs especially for you to help you feel welcome. If you identify yourself as being new, they will aim to find someone you might connect with, or a seat where you will feel comfortable.


During each service, there is an opportunity to give. At Mosaic, we believe that God gives us all we have, and we give generously in response to God’s generosity to us. You are welcome to give or not to. There is no obligation.


Communion is a way we remember and celebrate the new life we have through the death and resurrection of Jesus. The grape juice and the wafer symbolise the body and blood of Jesus Christ.


To us, praying is one of the main ways we communicate with God. We pray at multiple points in service but recognise that praying in front of others can be quite intimidating for some people, so there is no obligation to do anything you are uncomfortable doing.