“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


As followers of Jesus, we are called to be grateful and generous in response to our abundantly gracious and loving God.

In Malachi 3:10, the Bible speaks of bringing the first 10% (tithe) of your income into the storehouse (local church). Our tithes support the vision and activities of Mosaic Auckland Baptist Church. We also have the opportunity to bring other financial gifts that the Bible calls ‘offerings.’ These occasional financial gifts can be used to support specific needs within our Church, local community or Mosaic Care.

Mosaic is committed to God-honouring stewardship of our finances and resources. We believe in being transparent, and we are registered with the ACNC, where you can see a full report of our financial accounts. www.acnc.gov.au (ABN 86 022 826 853)

Ways to Give

Direct Debit

Please include your name and purpose of the gift in the Direct Debit reference.

Mosaic Auckland Baptist Church

ABN: 86 022 826 853

BSB: 704-913

ACCOUNT: 400040150


Giving envelopes are available for cash, cheque, or credit card contributions from the service desk. There will also be an opportunity to give during the Sunday Service as part of our worship.


You can give electronically by clicking the box below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not to you. You will not pay any fees with an online gift. In addition, online gifts are a more cost-efficient way for the church to process donations.

  • For any questions, concerns or comments about the online giving system, please contact our administrator via the form below.

Contact us

(07) 5525 2477

6 Morningside Drive,
Morningside, Auckland 1025