“For, dear brothers, you have been given freedom: not freedom to do wrong, but freedom to love and serve each other.”


  • Our families ministry aims to connect our families together each term for a gathering after church on Sunday for lunch. We also aim to include our kids in worship services, but parents, no one influences your child’s faith more than you! The average child spends over 1000 hours a year at school and less than 50 hours in church. Most parents have more opportunities to discuss spiritual issues with their kids, so what happens at home is more important than what happens at church. We need you to help us help your kids by talking to them at home.

    The small groups, friendships and mentoring we offer at Mosaic rely on regular connection – so we need your help to help your kids connect with the same friends and leaders at the same time each Sunday. Our kids’ church program operates at the same time as the Sunday service. During the service, parents will be invited to escort their children to the kid’s program to sign them in.

    We also run school holiday programs for kids from time to time. Stay tuned to our Facebook page to find out when the next one is planned!

  • One of the best ways to engage and experience the great sense of community here at Mosaic is to join one of our Life Groups, which provides an excellent opportunity to develop friendships and grow spiritually together in a caring and informal environment.

    It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and become distracted from God’s purpose for the church and our lives. By taking time out during the week to attend a small group helps keep our eyes focused on Jesus. As Christians, we are called to study the Word of God and fellowship together regularly in order to grow in our faith and encourage one another.

    We have groups meeting throughout the week, including young adults, ladies, men and mixed adult groups.

  • The Local Missions team is passionate about sharing the Good News with those around us. The team coordinates evangelism activities including street evangelism, evangelism at the Morningside Show, and providing evangelism training and resources to church members.

    Do you want to love others as God loves you? To share the Good News with others and grow in your faith? Join the team or just come along to one of our activities.


    Each term we gather to encourage, empower and equip. We typically gather for breakfast on a Saturday morning. Sometimes we change it up. Keep an eye on our social media to stay up to date on what is happening.

  • Mosaic Care is a charity that seeks to provide support and assistance to people in need in our community. We give thousands of dollars worth of groceries to those struggling financially each year. If you find yourself in need or know of someone who needs assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We give our hampers to anyone who asks.


    The pastoral care team are passionate about caring for our church family. We are available to pray with you, organise prayer requests through the prayer team, provide meals through Martha’s Kitchen and provide general support where possible.

    Martha’s Kitchen is a wonderful way to support our church family. If you’re part of our church family and would like to provide frozen meals, please place them in a disposable dish, clearly label it with the dish’s name, ingredients, and date made and place in the Martha’s Kitchen freezer. This is a very practical way to bless our congregation in times of need.

    Each person is valued, and through pastoral care, we seek to show the love of Jesus. So, whether you’re journeying along well or going through a difficult time, we are on the journey together, with Christ by our side.

  • Prayer is the heartbeat of Mosaic. As a church, we seek to humble ourselves before the Lord, seeking His will through prayer. We believe prayer is foundational to our personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. And through prayer, we seek to grow closer to our Heavenly Father.

    Whilst we bring our praise, prayers and petitions to the Lord, we seek to hear his voice, expectant that He will speak, and as He speaks, we seek to obey him.

    We believe God hears our prayers as we pray in His will, and He shows us grace and mercy. As a church, we seek to be known as a “house of prayer.”


    We are each uniquely created by God to make a difference in our world!

    We meet every second month on a Wednesday evening for Flourish. It is a time for the ladies of Mosaic to come together, drawing close to God, encouraging each other in our faith, and empowering one another in serving Him. Let’s live the life God intended us to live, and let’s do it together!

    We also run other special events from time to time. Stay tuned to our Facebook page to find out when the next one is planned!

  • We love seeing young people learn to love and serve God. Our vision for our Youth Ministry is to disciple young people to know our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. We work to equip young people with biblical truth and knowledge to help them live out their faith in the 21st century.